
Sunday, May 22, 2005

Lotus Notes code to deploy a database via E-Mail Button

Sub Click(Source As Button)
' declare applicatioin specific variables here
NewDbServr$ = "Servername" ' <<=== Replace this with the name of server which stores the new application
NewDbName$ = "path\filename.nsf" ' <<=== Replace this with the name of the new application to be cascaded

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim ServrDb As NotesDatabase ' object for the database being deployed
Dim LocalDb As NotesDatabase ' object for the database being replicated locally

' Local replica creation section - repeat as needed for new databases
Print "Opening database " & NewDbName$
Set ServrDb = New NotesDatabase(NewDbServr$, NewDbName$)
If Not ServrDb .IsOpen Then
Messagebox "PLEASE REPORT THIS ERROR MESSAGE TO YOUR SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR: Unable to open the database " & Ucase(NewDbName$) &amp; " on server " & NewDbServr$ &amp;amp; "." , 4112, "ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
Print "Creating local replica of " & NewDbName$
Set LocalDb = ServrDb.CreateReplica("", NewDbName$)
If Not LocalDb.IsOpen Then
Messagebox "PLEASE REPORT THIS ERROR MESSAGE TO YOUR SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR: Unable to replicate the database " & Ucase(NewDbName$) &amp; " locally." , 4112, "ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub